
Heidelberg Catechism

Many Evangelical Christians today don’t think much of church tradition and history. I know for a long time I didn’t either. To place church tradition above the authority of Scripture is folly, but neither should we ignore it or treat it as unimportant to the church today. You do not have to be Roman Catholic to have a church history you can…

Trials and Judgment

Life is full of joy and pain. I long for the day when Jesus comes back and our joy will be made complete and pain is gone forever.  But in this life we cannot escape trials and pain. Unlike what many prosperity gospel preachers will tell you, Jesus didn’t make any promise to Christians that they will have an easy, pain-free life.…

Waukesha Civic Theater: Let’s serve the city!

We will not be meeting Sunday December 18th , instead we have another opportunity to serve our city. Waukesha Civic Theater will be tearing down their Candy Cane Tales set around 4:00 p.m. on that day.  We anticipate that it will take a few hours.  They are looking for as much help as they can get.  This will be a great opportunity for…

Betting Your Life On It

I was saddened to hear about the passing of the prominent atheist, Christopher Hitchens recently.  I did not know the man, and obviously we did not share the same convictions on what this life is all about and where or whom it came from.   But I could not help but feel sadness when I heard the news. Hitchens may have been classified…


There is an awful lot of talk about community in churches today.  So much so that it has become a sort of buzzword.  Everyone likes the idea of community.  It’d probably be hard to find someone who’d say it’s a bad thing.   And I think most of us desire it.  But it is elusive in our day.  I really mean that.  Even…

Florida, Family and Frodo Baggins

Last month our family had the pleasure of spending some time in Florida for my sisters wedding. It was good to see all of my family again and how time has grown us all.  It was the first visit to my grandparent’s house that made me reflect on the subject of this post.  I had gone over to their house with Charlie…

John 9

This week we had some technical difficulties and were unable to record my sermon.  So in the place of an audio clip, I will be writing a few blog posts about the chapter. John chapter 9 begins with Jesus and his disciples coming across a man blind from birth.  The disciples are the first to speak, and their words must have been…

John 15:9-13

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love.  These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made…

Incorruptible Love for God

We just finished a sermon series on Paul’s stunningly beautiful letter to the Ephesians. In it we saw the gospel spread out like a banquet before us, showing us the rich beauty of God’s great salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone. We saw God’s plan to create a Church, a…

Is God’s love simple or complex?

What does it mean to say, “God is love?” In what way does God love the whole world? Human love is the most confounding and mystical of our earthly experiences. How then shall we understand the love of God? Is His love the easiest thing to understand about God, or possibly the hardest? Early in…

When I picture Jesus

Many American living rooms have a framed picture of Jesus. Why do folks do that? Some may like the notion of Jesus watching over us, like some heavenly ADT system. Some may see Jesus as the ultimate family-friendly hero. Some may use the Jesus picture just to call Him to mind. For others, it’s strictly…

How many races are there?

In the children’s song “Jesus Loves the Little Children” there are variants for the lines that attempt to include all the races of children that Jesus loves. Some sing, “red and yellow, black and white,” while others sing the slightly more detailed version, “red, brown, yellow, black, and white.” So which is it? Are there four races? Five? How many races are…


Born to a sinful man who tried to teach me faith, instead I inherited his constant need for grace. Like countless others born on that day. Like countless others born the same way. My life was serving the god of my gut: Ignored the Love self-worship cut. Vain-hoping to avoid the reaper, but I’m a weak man – my gut, weaker. The…

God interfered!

From his deathbed, John Allen of the Salvation Army reportedly proclaimed, “I deserve to be damned; I deserve to be in hell; but God interfered!” How does that sound, fellow believer? Is that how you’d explain your standing before God? I find much to love in this brother’s formulation of his life story. In particular, I’m fascinated by the impact of the…